Friday, September 7, 2007

Children Today and the Lack of Responsibilty

Tonight I was talking with my friends Ann and Devin and we noticed the lack of responsibility children today in the US have. Children today have it so easy and they don't even realize it. It's just so incredible how our kids take everything for granted. They need to look at how it used to be and where our people have come from. Especially our African-American children. The topic came up during a discussion about the treatment of children in Bangladesh.

Ann: Children in Bangladesh carry bricks on their head to help build buildings.

Is that cruel??

You might think it is but those kids are learning a lesson about what it takes to help contribute to their community. Everyone there are working there for the betterment of their community and their lifestyle. That's how they are. I bet those kids will know the value of what it means to keep their community growing and making it better. It's keeping them from going out in the streets and learning a way of life that's detrimental to their own life.

US kids are going out, hanging with their friends into the wee hours of the night, having sex, making babies, drinking, and taking drugs. Half of their parents don't even know where they are and what they're doing. Kids have their parents do everything for them.

Devin: Kids get mad about their daddies giving them $700 instead of $1,000. I wish I would get mad about my mom giving me $40. I could do a lot with them two $20 dollar bills.

Parents need to realize that coddling their children is hurting them in the long run. They have in the back of their minds that their parents will end up bailing them out. Putting money in their accounts so they can go out and get drunk.

Kids in the old days used to get out of school at 12 years old because they knew being at home helping their parents build houses, feeding the cattle, and picking eggs to sell would help their family to put food on the table. Kids today don't even think about helping out their parents. Tey want to get their paper so they can go out and buy the latest kicks, the flyest clothes, and put rims on their broke down car to make them appear cool. How about working to save money to go to college and not have to pay so much to make it through or take out a lot of loans that you will have to pay back. And if you don't, mess up your credit even more than you already have because the minute you get a little plastic in your hand you go off. Believe me. I know from experience that credit cards are NOT the way.

Our kids need to get it together and it's up to the parents and elders to let them know that it takes a lot of preparation to move into adulthood. It's not an easy transition and you can't keep looking for an easy way out to make it through. When you get to the point where you can't work for a living or you can't hustle then what are you going to do? You're going to be struggling until the day you die.

We as a people, all people, need to know that just because you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth that you can't make it. Life is work and it begins the minute you know what you want your future should be. Don't blow it because you think the good life is going to be handed to you without any work on your part.