Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Coming to the Conclusion of Gaining Responsibility

I have this friend named Conclusion and I came to her to see why she thought my life wasn't exactly where I had pictured it to be at this point in my life. Conclusion lived in a posh high-rise apartment complete with just about all of the amenities you could ever ask for. My favorite feature definitely had to be her fabulous kitchen. There was stainless steel appliances, cherry wood cabinetry, and granite counter tops. The kitchen looked as if she had just moved in and that's because Conclusion was not a cook. She despised cooking actually. Although she didn't use her kitchen, to her, it was a symbol of all the things she had accomplished in her life. Her apartment, vacation home in Maui, Jaguar, Mercedes, and Bentley, which are her prized Cocker Spaniels, and her custom Range Rover SUV all show that despite all odds, if you try and believe you will achieve. Because Conclusion's life wasn't always so glamorous. In fact, it was plain ole' rough growing up in the urban jungle of Chicago. But Conclusion was always determined to make her life a better one no matter what.

She helped me to realize that life doesn't always go exactly as you intend. People too often live like they have the rest of their lives ahead of them. They forget that tomorrow is not promised today. Conclusion told me that in order to live life to the fullest, you must live everyday like it's your last. I told her that's what I try to do. Sometimes things just get in the way. But I tend to let those things get me down and forget to focus on what I currently have. Just because I'm not where I want to be now doesn't mean that I won't get there. I finally started to understand what I needed to do and I was glad I came to Conclusion.

We decided to call our friend Responsibility. He invited us out to dinner and we decided to join him. We asked where he wanted us to meet him and he replied, "McDonald's." Conclusion and I were taken back because we were looking for something of a little more substance, but we decided to go with Responsibility's suggestion. We pulled up to the McDonald's that was way across town from Conclusion's ritzy neighborhood. We stepped out of her Range Rover and made our way into the McDonald's. Immediately we gained stares, as we always do, and we shrugged them off as usual. We found Responsibility sitting at a table near the back of the restaurant. We went over to him and I quickly noticed his outfit from two seasons prior. But he was still a nice looking guy. The ladies all loved him and he loved the ladies. That is, the ones who would still give him the time of day after they found out his financial situation because of his excessive lack of sharing.

Responsibility is a recent college graduate and struggling to find his next path in life. He has so many great ideas and everyone believes he has all the potential in the world to succeed but Responsibility wants to make sure his next move is exactly where he wants to go. He works two jobs and rarely has anytime for anything else unless he is fortunate to gain the same day off from both jobs. So he has money, he just chooses not to use it. Everything about him is very minimal. His apartment is quaint and quiet, has all the necessities and nothing more. He doesn't try to be flashy with grills in his mouth, diamond necklaces, the latest kicks, or big shiny rims that overpower his car. Speaking of his car, he still drives the same Toyota Corolla he has been driving since his junior year in high school. He wears nice clothes that usually don't cost a lot of money. He may spend a little bit extra on his more professional attire. But Responsibility has a game plan. His objective is to take himself to his all time potential and that entails precise planning. He disagrees with the majority of the American society's philosophy of living way above their means. He is stingy with his money for a reason. When this life passes him by and he is into his old age, he wants to make sure that he will be taken care of. Also, he understands your worldly possessions cannot be taken with you when you cross over to the other side.

Conclusion and I greeted Responsibility before heading up to the counter to order our food. As I was walking up, anticipating my ten-piece nugget meal, I noticed Betrayal outside in the parking lot. I was hoping he wouldn't see me because I really didn't want to cause a scene. Especially after what happened the last time.

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