Saturday, August 25, 2007

Just A Thought...

I was just thinking about something. You know how people go to the doctor, right? The doctor tells you that you need a shot. "Something for the pain," he says. "This will make you feel a little drowsy, but after the chills, the shakes, hot flashes, hallucinations, fatigue, and possible coma you'll be fine," she proclaims. A good question came to me after thinking about how many shots I have received in my lifetime. The numerous amounts my friends have received. People in my family. Both of my parents had shots. So did my grands. But wait... Let me ask one question. When we get shots, take pills even, how do we know what's really going into our bodies? I mean, doctors can be putting anything into us and we're totally oblivious of the contents. You think you're getting a shot for a polio vaccine and, oopppsss, they just put cancer into you. We don't know. Shoot. I would not even ATTEMPT to attend medical school. Hell, I hated science class. Except high school chemistry. That was fun. And 7th grade science. But that's beside the point. What is being injected into my arm when I go to hospitals? Somebody needs to answer me. Because I wanna know. Dammit. People, let's look at this.

We have people in these Top Secret laboratories mixing and mingling all these chemicals, catering a mixture to one particular ailment, saying it's ok to put into your body, and administering these mixtures to millions of people. Uh uh. Something just doesn't seem right. First of all they already have these big and real confusing names for this medical stuff. Oxyplaroadialneanlay. Think that's a real drug? Well it's not. I just made it up. Where is my check. Because really, where are the names for these things coming from? It just doesn't make sense to me.

And why are there more mixtures of chemicals that are used for treatment and/ or to soothe these ailments than there are to get rid of them? For good. But, wait a minute, I forgot. There are people out there making millions and millions of billions of dollars making and distributing medication to help prolong the effects of "the most deadly and incurable diseases." I bet you there is a cure for cancer locked away in some New Mexican mountain. The cure for HIV/AIDS is in some invisible super top secret facility in the middle of the rain forest surrounded by savages. The common cold. Someone has something for that as well. In a vault underground somewhere. As long as there is money to be made through pharmaceuticals, oh, those cures are not coming out anytime soon. But really, what are we allowing to be put into our bodies?

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